The Boys Who Lived - Chapter 4 - norische - Harry Potter (2025)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4

Since the issue with Bad Whiskers and before that Bad Kitty, Sirius and Remus, Frank and Alice had decided to start training Harry and Neville. Even though they were only seven years old they were still old enough to start age appropriate training and that is exactly what happened.

Alice wanted the boys to learn gymnastics for flexibility and agility. She wanted to focus on balance and stamina as well so they did mixed tumbling, rings, and beam routines. Both boys loved doing it and worked very hard at it, it was hard to tell who was better at it, it seemed to be pretty well even with the two of them.

Then Frank wanted the two of them to learn Martial Arts, so he got them signed up for Taekwondo. Later when the boys have mastered that he is going to move them on to Karate and then Kung Fu. Each form of martial arts had a different focus and used different weapons so he wanted the boys to study several different branches if possible. They were already brown belts in Taekwondo and doing absolutely great in it. Their gymnastics classes were helping a lot with their balance and stamina when it came to their martial arts classes too.

Remus wanted Harry and Neville to be trained in Occulmency, every since Dumbledore tried to read Harry’s mind using Ligilimency standing right there in front of them, he realized that the boys were totally unsafe and unprepared for that type of attack and so he had started them on meditation and finally teaching them how to protect their minds. Both of them had a good imagination so they could create a mind scape all right, but the problems was they were also easily distracted, especially Harry.

While they were a little young to start learning it yet, Sirius wanted them to start learning wanded magic, but only when specifically supervised. Mainly by either Amelia or Alastor and himself. They were focused on defensive magic mainly but they were learning some offensive stuff too. Oddly enough they thought the boys could handle the offensive stuff on their own…you know… Bad Kitty, and Bad Whiskers go night night were pretty good offensive spells. Most of what they did was read about the spells right now but they did get to practice a little.

Recently they were beginning to explore that use of the colored ball that Harry had created in his hand and hit Bellatrix with. Both boys could do it now and depending on what color they wanted the ball to be, the associated spell would alter. Red for stunning spells, bright red for fire spell, yellow for blinding spell, light yellow for lift up spell, light green for freezing spell, dark green for sleep spell, bright green for bad spell…don’t use it. orange for binding spell, white for blast back spell, black for blow apart spell, light blue for water spell, dark blue floating spell, purple for paralysis spell. They practiced quite a bit with these spells, since they could do them without a wand and without any words. And Moody wanted to get them to where they could create a ball of magic in one hand and hold a wand in the other and use both. That was his end goal.

The kids may be young but their small balls of light packed a punch, Neville’s stunner could knockout Shackelbolt with one hit, and since they appeared to be a solid mass they could make it through most shields put up, so this thrilled Moody even more. And Harry’s blow apart spell (blasting curse) could put a good size dent in a wall from twenty feet away. Luna said she wanted to see what would happen if they tried a rainbow colored ball or a polka dotted one but no one had gotten brave enough to try one yet, so that was still up in the air.

Amelia realized most of them were probably listed as curses rather than spells but she called them spells so that the boys wouldn’t be afraid of them or be afraid to use them when necessary. She was amazed as she watched Shackelbolt and Harry exchange low level curses and spells and with just the light balls that Harry knew, he always won. It was a blow to the big man’s ego, but he had to admit the little guy was a powerhouse and Neville wasn’t far behind him. Where Harry was a nine on a scale of one to ten, Neville was an eight or eight and a half. They were so close it was pathetic really. Their main difference was speed, Harry was faster at creating the little balls than Neville was right now, but that only took practice to change.

Besides all that the boys were taking lessons in Latin and French… Alice wanted them to have a well rounded education so she had them studying literature and music as well. They loved their music classes. Neville played the violin while Harry played the piano. They liked to play with Luna who played the flute and Susan who also played the violin.

Remus taught them History, both regular and History of Magic. Sirius taught them Astrology and Runes. Frank taught Arithmancy and Math, Persephone taught potions, Jeeves and Misty taught them manners and decorum, as well as proper speech (as taught to them by Lady Potter), and Amelia taught them penmanship and calligraphy.

In the end it was Harry, Neville, Susan and Hannah all doing the normal school stuff together, and it was a lot of fun, Luna came a lot of the time and joined in, she could do most of the work they did, even though she was a year younger than they were. Her father was thinking about getting special compensations from the Ministry and having Luna join Hogwarts a year early. All she had to do was pass the entrance testing and she would be allowed in, and since she was doing the work of children a year more advanced than herself it shouldn’t be that hard. Harry hoped they would all get to go to school together, he liked Luna, and she was fun to play with.

The week was really full for Harry and Neville but they enjoyed doing their school work, and practicing their magic. However they always loved the weekends. The weekends other kids got to come over and they played quittitch, learned to swim, had picnics. They even had sewing bees… don’t get confused about this, it wasn’t some girly thing mind you like what Ron said. Everyone would get together and help make costumes for make believe games and Harry liked to do it. He had a good imagination and could come up with some great costumes.

They would have music shows too, that Ron hated those too. He said they were stupid, but that was just because he couldn’t play an instrument. Sirius bought the twins drum sets and Ginny a tambourine, Cedric could play a guitar and was teaching Percy how to play one too. Cedric gave Percy his old guitar since he had gotten a new one for Christmas this year. With Harry on the piano, Susan and Neville on the violin, Luna on the flute and Hannah on the Cello, they had a remarkable band that played really interesting music. Some classical where the twins didn’t play much and some more rock and roll or jazz, it seemed every one liked the soft jazz styles they played the most.

Then they had dances, most of the time they got to dance to what ever they wanted too but Alice and Luna’s mom, Persephone, wanted them to learn ballroom dancing as well so they would have all the kids pair up and dance together. Cedric usually had to dance with either Amelia, Alice or Persephone because everyone else was too short for him to dance with. Usually Ron didn’t even come over on the days he knew they were going to be dancing, which actually made the day more fun. Harry and Neville would dance with Susan and Hannah the twins would dance together Luna and Ginny would dance together, Charlie or Cedric would dance with Dora if she came over, the other one would dance with one of the adults. Dora loved to dance so she tried to make it over every time.

All in all the kids had a great time, they had plenty of friends to play with and plenty of things to do. One of the things they especially loved is when Aunt Andy and Uncle Ted would take them out into the Muggle world and allow them to site see. They got to see movies, and go to an amusement park and out to eat, they went to the castle and saw the changing of the guards, and they got to go to an aquarium where you could walk under the fish and play with the dolphins, Neville’s favorite was when they went to the Royal gardens and saw all the plants and flowers, Harry’s favorite was when they went to the zoo.

Well, it would have been his favorite if it hadn’t been for the bully that is. They were watching the lions wrestle around on the ground and play when this big kid pushed little Luna to the ground causing her to hurt her hands and scrape her knee. It made her hands and knee bleed and made both Harry and Neville mad but they knew they couldn’t use magic against them, since they were muggles; so Harry just helped Luna up and brushed off the gravel and looked at her little hands and frowned.

“You shouldn’t do that. You big bully; you should say you’re sorry and apologize, you hurt Luna.” Harry glared at the boy that pushed Luna down.

The boy was easily a head taller than Luna was and the size of a baby whale, he was so fat that Harry was surprised that he didn’t need two extra legs to carry all that fat around.

“Apologize to who, she was in my way! Why should I apologize? She should apologize to me for getting in my way!” The fat kid shouted at Harry and Luna.

Luna told Harry it was alright but Harry didn’t think so, so he stood up for Luna. “Her apologize to you? For what being here first? Being smaller than you? Being more polite than you? Being a girl? No, I think you should apologize for being a pathetic bully!”

“Pathetic! I’ll show you Pathetic!” And with that the boy hauled off and hit Harry in the eye with his fist as hard as he could.

Neville who was standing right behind him, caught Harry and kept him from falling down. “Thanks mate.” Harry said to Neville. Then Harry turned and before the bully could so much as blink he did a perfect round house kick to the kids face and bloodied his nose for him really well.

About that time there was a horrible screech from a horsey faced woman not to far away from the bully and she rushed to his side and put a handkerchief to his nose and began to threaten to call the constable on Harry.

Sirius who had stood by and watched this whole thing had had enough; he went up to Harry and put his arm on his ‘son’ and said, “I think that is a perfect idea.” And called over to a constable that was standing a ways away from them, he flagged him over and began to tell him what all happened.

“This young man came up to the lion’s pen and didn’t like the fact that Luna here,” Sirius pointed to the now crying Luna. “Was standing closer to the pen than he was and he shoved her out of the way, when he did she landed in the gravel and it scratched up her hands and knee, see here.” Sirius got down on one knee and showed the constable Luna’s knee which was bleeding quite badly now, and her poor red hands, they hurt so bad. “Then when my ’son’ called him a bully he blacked my son’s eye. My son is a brown belt in Taekwondo and he gave the boy a round house kick to the head and gave him a nose bleed for his trouble. I want this boy charged with assault and escorted off the property.”

The constable was looking rather stern at the fat bully and the poor little girl, he got down on one knee and took out a medicine pouch that he carried with him and began to clean her knee up some and put a plaster on her knee to help stop the bleeding. Then he used a wet wipe to clean off her hands and it helped with the redness. Soon Luna wasn’t crying any more. She smiled weakly at the Constable and thanked him.

Then he took a look at Harry’s eye. It wasn’t too bad, he would have a shiner for a while, but it didn’t break skin so a cold pack and a little TLC would do it just fine. The eye itself didn’t look damaged, but he recommended that he go to the doctor to have it checked anyway.

Then the Constable stood up and went over to where the bully stood with his mother who was cooing and coddling her son, talking about mean bullies hurting her poor baby. “I need your name, and the name of this boy here if you don’t mind.”

“My name is Petunia June Dursley, this is my son Dudley Vernon Dursley. I want that bully put behind bars, he attacked my son for no reason!”

“I am still determining what happened here Ma’am.”

With that he walked over to Sirius and asked him his name and the names of those involved. “I am Lord Sirius Orion Black this is my son Harry James and his friend Luna Elizabeth Lovegood future Lady Lovegood that is.

“I am sorry M’Lord I apologize for this whole incident, we try and make this place as pleasant as possible for the general public.” The Constable stated, feeling a little out of his league right about now.

“I understand completely. My son has been a target before, due to his standing, there was a kidnapping attempt when he was just two and another attempt on his life when he was five. That is the reason I had him take Taekwondo, as a self defense, he is only seven after all. To have him and his friend attacked for no reason out in broad daylight when there are plenty of witnesses around on a simple school outing is not something I expected to have happen.”

“We will deal with this with the full extent of our ability. Thank you for your understanding and time M’Lord.” The Constable nodded to Sirius and then went over to a couple of bystanders and asked a few questions of each one then thanked them and went to the next one. After about five people he made a call on his little walkie-talkie and then went back over to where Mrs. Dursley and Dudley Dursley were standing still trying to get his nose bleed under control.

“If you would come with me Ma’am I think we will have this settled.” The Constable stated.

“Come with you, we haven’t seen but half the park, and I paid good money to see the full thing. I will do no such thing. Now why isn’t that boy being taken away in hand cuffs for what he did to my son?” Petunia demanded,

“The reason that he is not being escorted off the property and you and your son are, is because self defense is not illegal Ma’am. According to five different witnesses of different ages, ethnicities, and genders, who have given recorded statements that your son is the instigator of this incident. He approached Miss Lovegood and pushed her to the ground without cause, injuring her to the point she needed medical assistance. Then when Lord Black’s son Harry James verbally defended her, your son physically attacked him and punched him in the face again injuring him to the point that I suggested he go and seek medical attention for the injury. Harry James then responded as trained through his mastery of Taekwondo, he responded by kicking your son. Your son received a bloody nose which has stopped bleeding already if I am not mistaken.”

“At this point the only one that did anything inappropriate is your son, Dudley Vernon Dursley, which is why you and your son are being escorted off property. Your son will be charged with assault on a minor, since he is a minor as well that will be a three hundred and fifty pound fine. You are to be removed from this park and you and your son are restricted from ever entering any property owned by the Zoological Society of London. Is that clear Ma’am?”

“WHAT! You can’t do that! That boy attacked my son! He kicked my little Dudley and you are punishing him! How dare you! I will take this to court, I tell you. You haven’t heard the last of this! My husband will have you fired!” Petunia screeched.

“Threatening an officer of the law is a offense Ma’am if you continue I will charge you with that offense as well. Now myself and these other constables will be escorting you and your son to the main office where I will give you written documentation of what I just verbally explained to you. Also you will be notified by mail of when the court date for the fine will be, and you can fight that in court if you so wish.” The Constable then pointed out the two other Constables that had showed up to help escort Mrs. Dursley and Dudley off property if necessary and apparently it was going to be necessary.


Ted Tonks had agreed to be their Barrister as he had been for the other two cases they had been present for, you know Bad Kitty and Bad Whiskers. Bad Kitty had gotten life in prison for using an unforgivable and Bad Whiskers had received twenty five years. Thankfully, Dumbledore had not been the Judge for either of the two trials, Griselda Marchbanks had. Dumbledore had been at an ICW meeting for Bad Kitty’s trial and well, you can’t be the judge at your own trial, now can you. So those two trials went quite smoothly.

Judge Marchbanks had a little problem believing that Harry and Neville could incapacitate the vicious Queen of Voldemort’s Army, Bellatrix LeStrange. Them being not even two years old yet. So she asked for an example and she got one. Little Harry and Neville walked down to the center of the Courtroom and with a nod from both Sirius and Frank, Harry and Neville joined hands and raised their other hands towards the Bailiff (who had stupidly volunteered for the job) and said Bad Man go way. Then the Bailiff went flying across the Courtroom and splat, hit the wall and was stuck there. Then Ted gave the Bad Kitty’s wand to Harry who passed it over to Neville, Neville raised the wand and said Bad Man play nite nite. And the Bailiff did, went to sleep that is. But only for a few moments. The Judge asked them to let the Nice Man loose and they nodded, so they said Bad Man up, and the Bailiff was awake, but still stuck to the wall, and then the boys handed the wand back to Uncle Ted and turned in union to the Bailiff and said Bad Man Go and sure enough the Bad Man was unstuck from the wall. Thankfully, two other Bailiffs were there to catch him as he crumbled from the force of the release. They quickly put him in a waiting chair and he just sat there staring at the boys in wonder.

That was pretty much how most of the Courtroom was, two boys not even two years old had indeed captured Bellatrix LeStrange singlehandedly and with her own wand no less. She was never going to live this one down. Not even if she lived to be two hundred.

Dumbledore was practically the same, caught by two five year olds, He had stole over a hundred thousand galleons of gold and almost double that in jewels, jewelry, books, and whatnot, directly from the Potters vaults and the Gringotts Goblins had not caught him, two five year old’s had. Gringotts’ was furious to say the least. They wanted Dumbledore’s head, and would have had it if Harry Potter had not had the bigger claim on it first. One thing they did find odd was that Dumbledore’s want worked for no one except Harry now. It was loyal to Harry and Harry alone. And again out maneuvered by two five year olds, the great and powerful Dumbledore, defeater of Grinderwald, Order of Merlin First Class, Supreme Mugwump, Grand Sorcerer, and Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, got out classed by two five year olds. Again with his own wand.

When Ted led Sirius, Xenophilius and Persephone, and the kids into the Courtroom, everyone was dressed in their best muggle attire, as chosen by Aunt Andy. Andromeda took Alice and Persephone and the kids on a shopping trip to Harrods Worlds of Wonders, also known as Harrods Department Store in London. And found new outfits for everyone, even Sirius and Theodore. To say that both women were amazed was an understatement and to say that they spent just a tiny bit of money was an even bigger understatement.

Everyone waited until the introductions were completed Ted called his first witness. “The Crown calls to the stand Dudley Vernon Dursley.” After he was sworn in Ted started rather slowly. “Dudley Dursley do you know the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie?”

Dudley looked over at his father who nodded and smiled at him, then he said. “The truth is something that is right and to lie is something that is wrong.”

“Ok. So if I told you that the sky was green would that be the truth or a lie?”

“A lie, the sky is blue, so it is wrong. So it is a lie.” Dudley thought it out.

“And if I said that the sum of three thousand and forty-one times sixty-nine is twenty-two-thousand and five would that be a truth or a lie?” Ted asked.

“Truth, no a lie.” Dudley looked confused.

“Well which is it Dudley a truth or a lie, it can’t be both?” Ted asked.

“Objection, relative…” The Dursley’s Barrister called out.

“It will become relative.”

“Overruled, but hurry along please.”

Ted nodded and continued. “Well Dudley which is it a truth or a lie?”

“I don’t know, I can’t do math that high yet.” Dudley looked down at his hands.

“That would have been the truth then. Stating I don’t know is a truthful statement in a Court of Law, making up a story based on some facts and some things that might be true but your not sure is considered a lie. Do you understand?” Ted explained.

Dudley nodded. Ted continued along the same lines, “Now in a Court of Law to lie is very bad, it is called Perjury, and is against the Law, it is illegal. A person can go to jail if they lie under oath while in a Courtroom, do you understand that Dudley?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Very well, then we will start with the day in question, April twelfth, three weeks ago, in fact. At the London Zoo, you and your mother, one Petunia June Dursley nee Evans, were at the park looking around correct?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You went over to the lion’s enclosure and why don’t you tell the courtroom what happened.” Ted encouraged.

“I was watching the lions wrestle around and this little girl knocked into me and fell down. Then her boyfriend got all mad at me and started cussing and calling me names, he was waving his hands around all over the place and it scared me, so I put my arms up to cover my head. I guess I must have hit him when I did it, ‘cause the next thing I know is he kicked me in the face and bloodied my nose. Then my mum come over and called the Constable over.” Dudley said then looked over to his father who was sitting just as proud as could be watching his son.

“I see. Are you aware that there are multiple cameras on that park filming at all times Dudley? For you see there are placards just exactly like this one.” And he held up a sign. “Just like this one, that clearly states that cameras are in use and that you are being filmed. Every one hundred feet, as required by law due to the Amber Laws. And it is these cameras that I wish to discuss with you right now.” Ted went over to a huge big screen television set and turned it on, then turned on the DVD player beneath it and picked up the remote.

“Alright now here is the Lion’s enclosure and while there were four cameras that are focused on this area, I thought this one would give us the best view of what happened during the incident. It is apparent that Luna Lovegood and Lord Sirius Black’s son Harry James and their school group are here first, since I do not see you anywhere in this picture…the first lie you told I am afraid. Now here you come and here you are pushing little five year old Luna Lovegood out of the way and onto her knees…again another lie.” Luna turned six two days later but that was irrelevant really, the zoo trip was part of her birthday present from her parents and it would have been great if not for Dudley. “Here is Harry James and Neville Franklin Longbottom helping Miss Lovegood up, and Harry James getting onto his knees and checking her for injuries and brushing off her knee and hands. Then we see him turn around and calmly talk to you and verbally exchange some words. You will notice that his hands are at his side and resting the entire time…again another lie. Then you pull back and physically punch Harry James in the face hard enough that he falls backward into Mr. Longbottom and would have fallen to the ground if it had not been for him stopping Harry James from falling…again another lie. Then when Harry James is righted he does as he is trained to do through his years of Taekwondo training, he performs a perfect round house kick to such a degree to give you a bloody nose.”

“The Crown would like to point out at this time that the depth of skill it took for Harry James to deliver a kick with such an accurate amount of strength is remarkable. He could have chosen to break your jaw, or knock you out, but he only bloodied your nose, is a sign of pure restraint on his side. And before you think that he just has a really weak kick, keep in mind that in order to gain the brown belt that he so proudly bears in Taekwondo, he must be able to kick that very same kick he used on you through a one by ten inch piece of wood. In other words he could have caved your skull in if he had wanted to Dudley and he merely gave you a bloody nose, that according to the Constable, had stopped bleeding by the time you reached the gates.” Ted continued.

“Now the Constable that looked at Miss Lovegood’s knee and hands, and administered medical first aid, and advised Lord Black that she might need stitches on her knee. And when that same constable looked at Harry James’ eye he stated that, while it hadn’t broken the skin, he suggested that he take him to the Accident and Emergency room just in case, to make sure there was no damage done to the eye itself; and according to the medical report that I have right here, there was significant bruising and swelling, as well as associated pain due to soft tissue damage in the afflicted ocular region. However, the eye itself was not damaged. And thankfully Miss Lovegood did not need stitches.”

“So in short, The Crown has just proven that you Dudley Vernon Dursley, unprovoked, attacked and injured two minors to the point of requiring medical attention. You then perjured yourself in a Court of Law to hide your crime committing a further felony. The Crown is finished with this witness.” Ted Concluded.

Since the Defense Barrister realized that Dudley had blown his defense all to hell, he simply said, “No questions for this witness.”

Vernon reached over and grabbed the Barrister by the arm and squeezed it real hard. “What in the name of God, do you think you are doing? We had this all planned out. You were supposed to cross examine Dudley and prove that he was just a frightened seven year old little boy who did the wrong thing under pressure.”

“Mr Dursley, let go of my arm, or you will be your family’s only Barrister, I only took this court case due to the fact that your boss is a friend to my sister and she asked very nicely. Now continue to assault my person and you will be seeking a new Barrister. As far as cross examining your son, he changed his story Mr. Dursley. The story he told on stand is no where near the story that he told me when we had a conference. What he told on the stand was nothing but lies, hence he is now viewed as a liar and anything that he says is viewed as lies. Do you honestly want me to question him, and allow him the opportunity to destroy what little defense we have left? Because that is exactly what will happened. Barrister Tonks came into this Courtroom prepared to the hilt and the fact that he had video of the whole incident shows that he is willing to go to any length to get your son convicted, and you wife and son found guilty of the charges they are now facing. Do you honestly want to risk their freedom, for that is what you will be doing if I where to put your son back up on the stand?”

Vernon practically growled but released the man’s arm and turned and looked at his son as he walked back to the seat behind the Defense table. It wasn’t suppose to be like this, they had figured it all out and it had made Dudley look like and innocent bystander that got picked on by a bully. Now it appears that he is a bully and hooligan that beats up on little girls and kids weaker and smaller than him. Which was impossible that his son was. His son was anything but a bully or a hooligan. Big for his age, yes…but not a bully. That video didn’t tell the whole story. There was no sound so who knows what that skinny little kid said to his son. That’s it, that kid must have said something that made his son so mad his first reaction was to hit him. Yeah, it must have been really, really bad what ever it was. But that doesn’t explain his son pushing that little girl. Vernon didn’t know how he was going to defend his son’s actions at this point; right now it looked like his son truly was guilty of the charges he was accused of.

“The Crown would like to call to the stand Petunia June Dursley if we may.” Theodore requested.

The Defense Lawyer was actually dreading this, the woman was delusional at best when it came to her son, in the conference that they had had she believed her handsome, perfect, little baby could never have done what they were accusing him of; even when they had listened to the recordings that the Constable had gathered. That person couldn’t see anything they are obviously too old to see what really happened. That person must be black, they always lie about what white people do. That man sounds gay, he probably was a pedophile, they shouldn’t take anything they say as fact they have to lie just to keep themselves out of prison. That person must have been bought off by that Lord Black or knew him before, just listen to the way he praises the other little boy. That woman must have been attracted to the Lord Black and wanted to get into his pants, just listen to the way she talks, she even mentions that he was attractive. The woman was obviously delusional and now the whole Courtroom was going to know it too. Sigh.

Petunia took the stand and vowed to tell the truth and Ted immediately attacked that idea.”Do you know what the truth is Mrs. Dursley?”

“That is a stupid question. Of course I do.” Petunia gave a pompous sniff.

“It is not a stupid question, considering your son’s testimony just a few minutes ago and the fact that he stated he knew what the truth was and yet he did not utter one single true statement while he was on the stand. Either your son does not know what the truth is, or he blatantly broke the law on purpose.” Ted stated.

“My son is not an idiot, he knows what the truth is!” Petunia shouted. Definitely not liking her son being viewed in a negative light.

Ted nodded then looked over to the Defense table and stated “Then he blatantly broke the law on purpose, just as he did on April twelfth.”

“My Dudley is no hoodlum either, your twisting my words, just like you did to my poor Dudley.” She practically shrieked.

“Well what do you call accosting a child at least a head smaller and fifty if not seventy five pounds lighter weight than you are not to mention that it was a little girl of only five years old?” Ted looked straight into Petunia’s eyes.

“Sometimes Dudley forgets how big and strong he is, it’s not his fault.” Petunia stated and that pompous sniff again.

“Exactly how often does he forget these facts Ma’am? This can’t be the first time little bitty Dudley has been accused of being so big and strong? In fact, I found out that he was kicked out of preparatory school due to the fact that he forgot that fact five times in a three month period; and ended up sending two little boys to the Accident and Emergency room. Is that not correct Mrs. Dursley?”

“The boys were picking on my little Dudley, and he only fought back. They were bullying him and calling him names, so he of course is going to defend himself.” Petunia stuck her nose in the air as if she was proud of her son’s actions.

“According to this write up Dudley broke this one boys arm because he wouldn’t give him his lunch. That does not sound like the boy was picking on Dudley or calling him names, or needing to defend himself in any manner. It sounds like your son being a bully and taking his anger out on a smaller and more vulnerable child, but not getting away with it, since he got suspended for it.”

“That teacher always lied about my Dudley. She hated him from the minute she shaw him. Always saying horrible things about him. Always making up lies and trying to get him in trouble. We knew the truth though.” Petunia stated.

“Here we fall back on ‘the truth’. Isn’t it the truth that Dudley has a rich and vibrant history of violence and lies and has been caught multiple times only to be excused by yourself and your husband as some sort of mistake or inconvenience. Isn’t it the truth that this is not the first time that Dudley has been kicked out of somewhere and barred from returning? Wasn’t your son barred from going to What’s Up Dock’s play center not six months ago for beating up a boy two years younger that he is just because ‘he’s one of those freaks’ as it was stated. Although what kind of ‘freak’ that younger boy was, was never discovered, and is not the family of the little boy is now suing you for five hundred thousand pounds for medical bills, pain and suffering their son has endured due to your son’s reaction to their son being a ‘freak’.”

“It is all a bunch of lies, and we will prove it when it goes to court too. You will see, my son did nothing wrong. They said that my son nearly beat that boy unconscious but that is a lie. That boy was sickly to start with and probably shouldn’t have been out of the house in his condition. Yes, my son hit the boy one time, but the boy called me a foul name and my son was defending my honor, like any good son would do.” Again Petunia put on a proud air about her, and looked over to her son with admiration.

“So the fact that the first words out of your son’s mouth were ‘Why you little freak’ and he proceeded to kidney punch the little boy repeatedly, until a bystander broke up the fight by dragging your son off of the little boy. An ambulance had to be called for the boy and he was rushed to the Accident and Emergency where they found that his left kidney had been ruptured and he was bleeding internally, and required immediate surgery; this was all…what… the little boy’s imagination? And you say that the boy was sickly and shouldn’t have been allowed out of his house, so your son in the habit of beating up sickly little boys now as well is he?”

“As I said it was one hit and the boy was sickly to start with, they are probably just looking for some easy mark to pay their son’s medical bills. Well we won’t have it. My son didn’t do all that damage and we are not taking responsibility for it. We are not going to be their patsy.” Petunia sounded firm about this, it was almost as if she really believed it.

“What about Carnival World two months ago. According to the Constable’s report your son knocked a little girl’s head into the game ‘Rocket Man’ knocking her unconscious. The girl in that incident weighed nearly eighty pounds less than your son and was seven inches shorter than he is. The little girl in question was in a coma for three days after your son attacked her. And aren’t her parents also suing you for five hundred and fifty thousand pounds for medical bills plus pain and suffering?” Ted asked, he was building a series of similar events. And they definitely didn’t look good for Dudley. It was showing he was a serial assailant and that he had put multiple children in the hospital when given the opportunity. Ted had verified three children so far that Dudley had put in the hospital with his actions, one of which he put in a coma and another he almost killed. All of which were with no provocation. And this was at seven years old….

“Yes, but that was another boy. Dudley told me that there was a taller black boy there that actually did it and that he was too far away to stop him, but he saw the whole thing. They are just blaming my son because he rushed over there to help the little girl and was beside her when the clerk and her father got there,” Petunia stated.

“Ah, and you are aware that Carnival World also uses cameras just like the London Zoo does as part of the Amber Law and it is also posted that you are on camera every one hundred feet as required are you not?

“No I never really paid attention.” Petunia began to look a little worried.

“Well they do and The Crown just happened to ask Carnival World if we could borrow the footage of the aforementioned incident for this trial and they were happy to oblige. So if you will look at the screen…” Ted cued up appropriate section of video and begins. “…as you see the young girl playing the game Rocket Man, and apparently doing quite well at it from her visible joy at this point. And here comes Dudley and as you can see he is the only other individual around at this time. Apparently he says something to her and she refuses and there you have him smashing her head into the side of the game. She then crumbles to the ground and he steps over her and takes over her position at the game paying no further attention to her whatsoever. It takes nearly two minutes for an attendant to notice the little girl and come rushing to her aid, and then call for assistance. Her father shows up just as the ambulance is getting there. Here is the Constable questioning Dudley and detaining him, and here is the Owner of Carnival World explaining to the Constable what happened and the Constable escorting Mr. Dursley off the property into a waiting black and white. Where Dudley is taken down to Constable Headquarters and booked as a minor offender and put in jail until you can be notified and retrieve him forty minutes later. Now those are the facts Mrs. Dursley, not the lies that your son told you. He was not some innocent bystander . There was no larger black boy. He did not go over to the girl to lend aid. And he was not unjustly accused. Would you like to change your story at this time Mrs. Dursley?”

Petunia looked a little ill right now, as she looked over to her husband for help. But all she could see was him holding his head in his hands and shaking his head back and forth as if not believing what he was seeing. She didn’t know what to say, so she remained silent. Unfortunately for her silence at this point was a bad sign for her.

“It is apparent that you are a parent that will go to any lengths to protect your son. Even to the length of assaulting a Constable and threatening to have him fired for daring to suggest that he caused the fight that we have recently proved that he did indeed cause. And before you state that you did no such thing, the officer was recording the incident at the time you stated your husband would have him fired and later when you stated you would have his badge for this, and again you were on camera when you slapped him. Would you like to see the video of that incident Mrs. Dursley?”

“He called my son a bully, I had to protect my son.” Petunia stated, practically in tears now.

“So like your son you react to verbal statements with physical attacks. Perhaps that is where he learned it from. But that is neither here nor there, the fact is, you just admitted to attacking an officer of the Law. Which is quite illegal. As are verbally threatening said officer. The Crown has nothing more for this witness.” Ted walked back to the Prosecution’s table.

“I have nothing for this witness.” The Defense Lawyer stated again. Looking over to Mr. Dursley in discuss, and looking at Petunia as if she had just stepped in something quite nasty. How was he going to save this case. As of now he had nothing really that he could present that would help his case in any way really. Yeah his specialist might help, but an anger management specialist may only make matters worse not better, especially since Mr. Tonks made Dudley out to be some form of seven year old Sociopath, and his parents the enablers to the whole thing.

“The Crown calls Harry James Potter Black to the stand” Harry had been adopted by Sirius as his birthday present on his seventh birthday. Sirius had debated on whether to do it or not, but decided that Harry was his son in all ways but blood, and making it legal just proved it to the rest of the world.

Harry got up and headed over to the witness stand and sat down, then took the oath like the others. “Now Harry James, do you know what a lie is?” Ted asked.

“A lie is when you tell the opposite of the truth, or you exaggerate or misrepresent the truth.” Harry said.

“Very good, for a seven year old your pretty smart.” Ted smiled.

“Thanks, I try,”

Chuckle.”Then let’s start. We watched the video of what happened but can you tell us what was said please.” Ted asked.

Harry nodded.”The boy had pushed my friend Luna down and hurt her, he made her cry. I checked her knee which was bleeding pretty bad, and her hands which were all scratched up and red. Then I turned to the boy and asked for him to apologize. He stated that he would not apologize to Luna and that she should apologize to him for getting in his way. I couldn’t believe him, I said She didn’t need to apologize to him. And for what, being there first? Being smaller? Being more polite? Being a girl? Then I said that he was a pathetic bully. That is what made him mad…not me calling him a bully mind you, but calling him pathetic. When I said he was pathetic he said… ‘Pathetic, I’ll show you pathetic’ and he punched me.” Harry stated.

“And this is the truth. Since this goes right along with the five recorded statements from witnesses, that the Constable collected at the scene merely moments after the incident. From witnesses of various ages, genders, and ethnicities I might add as required by law, when available.”

“Did the fact that he was between fifty and seventy five pounds heavier and at least six inches taller than you not make you frightened or have any barring on your reaction?” Ted asked.

“No Sir. I am trained to defend myself from adult attackers. In comparison to some of the scenarios that I have faced in my Taekwondo training, Dudley Dursley was a kitten. Like you said I could have taken him out with one kick. But my objective wasn’t to take him out, only to defend myself, which I did. I don’t fight to be mean, or bully someone else…I have been taught physical violence is a last resort, and to use it as a means of defense only. I am sorry Dudley got a bloody nose, but I am not sorry I defended myself.” Harry stated with confidence.

“Understandable and quite well said. The Crown has nothing more for this witness.” Ted walked over to the Prosecutions
Table and opened up his brief case and started rummaging through it.

The Defense Barrister got up and went over to the Witness stand and asked. “Mr Black, do you regularly get into fights?”

“No Sir. I only do fight for exhibitions and training. Fighting should be kept in the ring or when absolutely necessary for self defense.” Harry stated.

“So what made the issue so different that you had to resort to physical violence. There were adults around why didn’t you let an adult handle the situation and merely step back from it and take care of your little friend?”

“I admit that would have been the wises choice of action, unfortunately my training kicked in and my gut reaction was to put down the threat. No hesitation. You hesitate you could loose your life.” Harry stated.

“How long have you been training exactly?” He asked.

“This is my second year, I have reached my brown belt status as of March of this year.” Harry answered.

“That is quite fast for someone your age. Quite impressive I must say. So do you like to fight?”

“No Sir. Fighting for the sake of fighting is a sign of weakness. Just like being a bully, being a bully is a sign that you are just a coward and you’re too frightened of the other person to treat them with respect; so you have to hurt them in order to bring them down to below your level to make you feel safe. But it is a false sense of security since once that person is no longer in pain they will again be bigger or stronger or smarter than you are and you will still be a coward.” Harry explained.

“That is very insightful, where did you learn that?” The Lawyer asked.

“That is one of the first things we learn when we actually start on combat drills with an opponent. It teaches us that picking fights or fighting is not something to be proud of, it is something to be used as a last resort. The drills we go through teach us discipline and control. Then the techniques we learn teach us style, form and agility. We learn that causing pain is not the end goal, safety is. Getting away safely, escape, evade or avoid is the goal; if that fails engage.” Harry explained.

“But you didn’t do any of those things, you didn’t try to escape, evade or avoid, you went strait to engage. Why did you do that…if this is your mantra why did you go against it and attack Mr. Dursley?” He asked.

“Actually I did follow my directive. I tried to avoid the fight by simply asking for an apology. That got me a black eye. If I had attempted to escape or evade the situation at that time I would have left Luna, who was already injured vulnerable, so those two were not an option therefor my only option left was engage.” Harry stated.

The Barrister was getting frustrated, this kid was making him look like he was an idiot. Like he was a bully trying to pick on a little kid right now, trying to rip him apart and only getting spanked for his trouble. So he decided to cut his losses. “No further questions.” And he walked back over to his table and sat down.”

Ted stood up and walked over to the Witness stand and stated, “The Crown calls Constable Franklin McMasters to the stand please.” And Constable McMasters was sworn in and sat down in the Witness stand then Ted began.

“Constable McMasters, how long have you worked with the force?” Ted asked.

“Twenty-three years come this July.” He said proudly.

“Quite a distinguished record there Sir, and how many of those years have you spent working at the London Zoo?”

“I’ve worked for the Zoo part time for five years and full time for three years. So eight years all together.” McMasters stated.

“Excellent, so the Crown is sure you have seen you share of mishaps and squabbles in your time, haven’t you?” Ted asked smiling.

“More than you would imagine. Not a week goes by without something happening, at least once a week we get a drunk or something just looking for a fight and we have to escort them off property.”

“Was their anything about this specific incident that was different from the rest?”

“Yes, Sir. The age of the assailant. Usually I get twenty to forty year olds picking fights, but seven year olds? I haven’t had anything close to that. The youngest I have had previously is seventeen, and the kid was higher than a kite and had to be escorted off property and banned from the property before we finished with him.” Constable McMasters stated.

“Yes the Crown can see how the age situation would cause you quite a bit of an issue. Did you have any other problems with this situation?” Ted asked.

“The parent, Petunia Dursley. She was quite combative, and argumentative. In the end we had to charge her with striking an officer of the Law, issuing verbal threats to an officer of the law, obstructing justice and trespassing.”

“Trespassing?” Ted inquired.

“Yes she was asked to leave the property after we booked her and her son at the main office, she refused. She stated that they paid to see the park and she was going to see the park. After two more warnings we had no option but issue a ticket for trespassing. And then escort her bodily off the property.”

“So there are additional charges that have been filed against Mrs. Dursley?” Ted queried

“Yes, she was given two days to sign documentation stating that neither she nor her son would ever set foot on any London Zoological Society Properties again and if she didn’t the Zoo would be pressing trespassing charges against her and would continue to do so, until she signed those papers. To this day she has not signed the papers therefore she has an added charge of Trespassing. And that goes for Dudley Dursley as well. Since he was ordered to leave the park at the same time and refused as well.”

“Very well, that will be noted in the record for the court. Would you say that the behavior of Dudley Dursley was ‘normal’ when you observed him the day of that incident?” Ted asked.

“Normal for your run of the mill Sociopath maybe, normal for a healthy seven year old not at all. He showed no remorse for what he did, no understanding that what he did was wrong, no care that he was in trouble. In fact the whole time he was simply more and more mad, he seemed to blame Miss Lovegood for getting in his way, Mr. Black for daring to ask for an apology, and the Constables for daring to have the nerve to say what he did was his fault. I doubt if you ask him right now if he would think it was in any way his fault. He thinks everything he does wrong is somehow everyone else’s fault because they made him do it. It reminds me of when I worked the beat and a battered woman would tell me that if she had just kept her mouth shut her husband would not have had to hit her. They hit their wives and then say ‘why did you make me do it, why?” As if it is their wife’s fault that they’re a bastard.”

Ted nodded.”The Crown has heard a batterer use that same phrase so the Crown is familiar with what you are saying. This time it was a bully saying ‘she got in my way’, instead of ‘why did you make me hit you’. Different wording but the result was the same thing. If something is not done the boy will turn out the same way.”

“Objection, calls for speculation!” The Dursley’s Barrister shouted.

“Withdrawn. No further questions for this witness.” Ted stated.

“Mr. McMasters when did you get your degree in Psychology Sir?” The Barrister asked.

“I got my Degree two months ago, from the University of London. I brought it with me just in case you would like to look at it, for verification.” Constable McMasters stated with a grin.

Apparently the Dursley’s Barrister was trying to trip up the Constable, especially after he use the term Sociopath to describe Dudley. But that not only was shot down, it now had a lot more credence since he had a degree to back up his judgement. So he tried a different avenue.

“So exactly how many Sociopaths have you run across that you feel comfortable judging a seven year old that you met for a few minutes as being one?”

“A Sociopath has a very distinct pattern of behaviors that they routinely stick to, which is what makes them a Sociopath as opposed to a Psychopath. These behaviors are immediately observable and obvious to the trained eye. It takes only a few minutes to recognize the pattern. And they are constant without fail the same in every instance, that is why they can be labeled as such. I wouldn’t label a child as anything unless I was sure of my diagnosis. Also the behaviors always start to develop in their juvenile years it just depends on the child what age they are diagnosed. They are frequently diagnosed in their mid to late teens. And to answer your question, quite a few, since it is a four year program, with full clinical.” McMasters answered.

“Just curious, why would a constable get a degree in psychology?” The Lawyer questioned.

“I want to be a Profiler for the Yard. It is what I have always dreamed of and I now have the opportunity to do so, so I am finally going to make my education work for me.” Constable McMasters smiled real big.

“No further questions.” The Lawyer cut his losses on this witness too. And walked back over to the Defense table and sat down.

“The Crown rests it’s case My Lord.” Ted announce, feeling quite sure about the case at this point.

The Defense asked for and was granted a recess and then everyone went down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. While they were eating the Defense Lawyer came over and wanted to talk to Ted who excused himself for a moment and after about ten minutes came back with a smile on his face and said that they have accepted a plea bargain.

“Both mother and son are going to plea guilty. Dudley is going to plead guilty on two counts of assault on a minor, perjury and trespassing. Petunia is pleading to assaulting an officer of the law, threatening an officer of the law, and trespassing. Both trespassing charges will fall of if they sign the papers to never enter any properties owned by the London Zoological Society. The end result is that Petunia will be spending six months in jail, and all total there will be twelve thousand pounds in fines. Plus he negotiated down to fifty thousand in medical bills, pain and suffering for each Luna and Harry, as well as paying all court costs and Lawyer fees.” Ted said smiling.

“Pain and suffering?” Harry asked.

“I thinks he is afraid the two of you would try and sue for another five hundred thousand like his last two victims did and they won as well so he thought if he gave you a small amount right up front now he might not have to worry about what huge some the court would grant.” Ted stated. “I think we are over here folks. And hooray for us.”


The Boys Who Lived - Chapter 4 - norische - Harry Potter (2025)


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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.